Best performance?

The one that made me a fan and IMO his best to date is Buried. Truly amazing.


Same here, really amazing performance in the movie Buried.

I also liked him in Green Lantern, Waiting, and R.I.P.D. :)

Plus, Safe House was a pretty good acting movie and felt that he still has acting chops for an action movie.


Buried was awesome, but if you haven't you should see some of his movies that weren't in theaters (I know Buried wasn't but a lot of his were)

Like Chaos Theory and Fireflies in the Garden - two pretty dramatic roles for him, especially Fireflies in the Garden... both of those movies he is absolutely phenomenal in.


All of the above. Buried, Chaos Theory, Fireflies, The Nines, Smokin' Aces, and even lighter weight stuff like Definitely, Maybe and Waiting. His performances in films outside the mainstream, blockbuster fare rank up there with the very best. Here's hoping his films coming out over the next couple years get more attention and give him the respect he deserves.


Chaos Theory is my favorite and I loved him as Berg (til 4th season when they f'd up the show)



Yeah I agree. I loved him in Smokin' aces (GREAT movie) & Definitely maybe. He's got the humor for romantic comedies.


"Smokin Aces" was fantastic and for comedy "Just Friends" it gets funnier every time I see it!!

Behind the scenes


Even though it was a brief role I am allowed to say Wade Wilson/Deadpool in Origins Wolverine

In a time of ancient Gods, Warlords and Kings, a land in turmoil cried out for a hero The power the passion the danger


would it be stupid to say he was best in "a million ways to die in the west"?
