Riding with Norman

Does anyone have any info on this? I know he's been filming for it


I'm a member of AMC's Popular Culturists. They send out surveys, etc. The last one was a survey on the pilot for his new show. It was freakin' fabulous. Judging from the Twitter stalkers, he's filming in Key West. It's going to be so good.


Thank you! I can't wait all I know is 2016


I thought it started slow but after the first 10 minutes or so it really picked up. I loved how some woman walked up to him at one bike event and told him that he looked like Daryl from the Walking Dead and asked him if he's ever hear that before. He was very nice when he explained that he is Daryl from the Walking Dead. The scenery was amazing and it's him and friend(s) exploring America -- off the beaten path. Very sweet and down to earth.


Wait it already came on?! What day and time?


No, it hasn't aired yet.

It ain't the Ganges, but you go with what you got." ~ Ken Talley, "The Fifth of July"


All I know is June


As much as I've liked him since Boondock Saints...I have no idea what AMC is doing with this 'Riding with Norman' crap.

I really hope this isn't a way of spoiling that he, Daryl, is the one who is killed by that douche in the finale...but it almost seems like it is. Is it supposed to be a take on that crappy show where Jerry Seinfeld drives around with comedians..but on a motorcycle?

I doubt I'll ever watch it because it sounds horrible, sorry Norman.


He describes it as being like Anthony Boudain's show where he goes to various cities to talk about motorcycles instead of food. He will explore motorcycle culture with different guests.

If you actually liked him as you said, you'd be happy for him and tune in. But it's only six episodes so you can just ignore it.

Edited to like, make sense, lol.

It ain't the Ganges, but you go with what you got." ~ Ken Talley, "The Fifth of July"
