MovieChat Forums > Jaime Pressly Discussion > Why does she her hair cut like a 10 girl...

Why does she her hair cut like a 10 girl only boy?

It looks horrible.
Did she come out of the closet or something? Why else would a woman do that to herself? I can't imagine that she is gay, so why the gay haircut?


Because she likes it... Why do people think women are obligated to have long hair, or otherwise are looked at as being gay?
I prefer my hair long, I like long hair, but the idea you spouted is dated.


I shave my head. I shave my ass. If you like hairy women, I'm not saying you're weird, but... why worry about her hair. Lesbians can drop subtle clues about their sexual orientation. They might buy low fat cereal, or prefer cats, or have sex with women, or work in tech. It's a secret code men will never be able to fathom.

Honestly though, there's no such thing as a "gay" anything. The gays.. they're everywhere... they're all around us... they're us.

Not me though, I'm super straight. Unless you're buff with long hair. Then I want to spot you. Wink.


What is a "10 girl only boy"? Do men who've had 10 girlfriends look different somehow?


Your comment has just had me in stitches! 
I was gonna let you *beep* me, but I got my rag, and I know how you hate a mess


Tlm557, you are the least educated, and most closed minded d-bag on the boards.

Honestly, people like you should wear foil hats so the rest of us know who you are.


Exactly it looks horrible. Especially with her big capped teeth. Need to grow her hair out


You just misunderstand. Read it again:
by tlm557 » Sat Feb 13 2016 07:25:33
"Why does she her hair cut like a 10 girl only boy?"
I'll translate for you as I know some.

Why does she cut her hair like a 10 girl only boy.

You see, there are some boys I know/knew that swore they'd have no more than 10 girls before they were married. Yes they do look different just like the rest of us look different than one another. It's just that they all have the same haircuts as what tlm557 claims Pressly's looks like. Don't ask me why.... 

.....................Sometimes ya gotta wonder.... 


This thread means nuttin' to me. I'd still love a (or more...) roll in the hay with her. 

.....................Sometimes ya gotta wonder.... 
