
Doesn't her DUI arrest make her a hypocrite now? Few years back she ragged on Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera for going out and getting drunk when they have children at home and look she has a 3 year old and she goes out and gets plastered too AND gets a DUI arrest on top of it all? And she has the right to criticize others' choices when she isn't staying at home parenting her own child but instead went out and got wasted?

by solesister "get thee to a nunnery!"


huge difference between her & Lohan & it just goes to show u it wasnt a regular thing she does - we all make mistakes let her get on with it.
She will learn by hers not after 28983638393 mistakes and counting from ms lohan! whom the drink driving comment was directed to.

I'm not writing an english paper so don't bother coming at me with corrections ...a typo is a typo


The OP never even mentioned Lohan, it must show some sort of mental deficiency that you have an agenda on a message board.


The whole thing is a joke


Not really, all that does is remind, or should remind everyone that people make bad judgement calls. It only takes a second to make that call, but it can change everything. It is what it is. I am pretty sure she thinks twice before criticizing people now.

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It turns out that we're all hipocrites to some extent. Live and let live I say. At least for today.


Everyone makes a mistake from time to time but this was her first issue like this, when Britney was consistently and Lindsay still making these kind of decisions is a different story.


We all have the right to criticize each other, just like we all have the right to ignore criticism from others. And being a hypocrite doesn't change that, or make you wrong.


Typo....lol. If only the mistakes were typos.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.
