she looks like

Alicia Silverstone, dont you think?


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she looks fat.


i dont think she looks like alicia silverstone the only thing they have in common is the blonde hair i think shes much prettier than alicia is.


Perhaps you were staring in the mirror when you made this observation. The truth is Miss Philipps is not "fat" as you would want the world to believe. I admit that she is not as skinny as a broom like some models or even celebrities that you might be accustomed to seeing, but she is definitely not fat.I would say that she is either "big boned" or "curvaceous", but fat is not how one would best describe her appearance.


she looks fat

Her death will be a mystery even to me


She just had a baby in the last year ,so maybe that's why you think she looks "fat".She is pretty hot since I first saw her on DC.


Anything over 20 pounds is probably fat to you, loser.
