MovieChat Forums > Busy Philipps Discussion > Why did she marry that fat hairy looking...

Why did she marry that fat hairy looking bastard?

Surely she could have done much better in the looks department. She's a lovely and curvy lady herself and deserved to have a nice gentleman, not a gross unhygienic slime ball. I just don't understand what she sees in him other than his bank account. Makes me sick.


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Whoah, she is married to ME??
Must have been one heck of a night...


Do you know her husband, personally or is this some hateful uninformed rant? Attacks on a person's appearance is childish and unacceptable behavior. Really


Ummm love? I don't know why half the people I meet marry who they marry but usually it's love. They have two beautiful kids together and seem happy. Go away troll.


It's because ugly guys somehow score hot girls.

"There is no reason to bring every cotton pickin book you own into this dadburn gym!"-Fall 1987


Ha what fairy tale do you live in where most marry for love? Money is a big reason just like busy no doubt did and I don't judge but I'm not delusional either. I know a ton of indian people in semi arranged marriages and can never marry a non indian, its sure not love there either. All Im saying is love is the exception not the rule and it sure as hell wasn't the reason this beauty ended up with a slob. Beauty and the beast was just a fairy tale young lady!


Fat? Hard to tell from the IMDB pictures, but he LOOKS thin.

And don't forget, Busy is quite chunky herself.
