MovieChat Forums > Debra Messing Discussion > Why is she referenced in so many songs?

Why is she referenced in so many songs?

I'll be honest and admit that I haven't paid too much attention to Messing since the Will and Grace days. But I am curious as to why she's referenced in a couple different songs from vastly different artists.

Say Anything mentions her in the song "Do Better" - "Life is not a spark in space, an episode of Will and Grace, controversial yet mundane - Debra's messing with your brain."

And Bo Burnham mentions her in his song "Rant" (which is a bit explicit, just for a heads up) - "Debra Messing's fingers in a holy place, hail mary, full of grace."

I'm not saying she's not awesome or worthy of shout-outs or anything. It just seems as though she's sort of flown under the radar in Hollywood since Will and Grace ended. I'm kind of curious why these artists (and I think there might be others) have referenced her in their music.

Any theories?


Eh Its simple...they are fans of her.

No one is more suited for this job than myself...unless it's someone else.


Just like what ADFalcano said they were a fan of hers and also may have something to do with her last name, "messing" which could be a word too.

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War does not determine who is right - only who is left.


Debra Messing is mentioned in one of the Adam Sandler Hanukah songs.

"and Will & Grace's Debra Messing" (is Jewish)
