MovieChat Forums > Debra Messing Discussion > Spousal support....

Spousal support....

Are you crazy woman?

No judge is going to give you spousal support when you are working & the TV show is a hit! Child support ..yes you will get that but you worthless garbage how can you ask your ex for spousal support when YOU make 20 times more than what he does?

I never got spousal support from my ex in the divorce...he was in the Army & made twice as much as I did.


When did the wording change from alimony to spousal support? Wonder why?
I wondered the same thing, but I don't know what his profession is, so he could be way more wealthy than Debra, who knows?


Not to mention the loads of money she makes from Will & Grace residual checks coming in every year. This woman is a sick bitch.

Believe In the Stars


Her husband is a "writer" and you know they don't make any money.

He doesn't have that many credits to his name...not like her.
She moved to New York so she could star in Smash...he followed HER....
