I think he should

I think he should return to SVU for an episode or two. For Olivia and him to have closure - maybe because he heard about what happened to Olivia and he wants to make sure that she is ok.
What so you guys think?



I think if he was going to finish the storyline it would need to have been done at the start of season 13. He was not asked back at the time, contrary to what some fans claim. Dick Wolf said at the time that he wouldn't be asked back to do that.
At this stage I think Chris has moved on with his film and TV career. I don't see him returning except for maybe one final episode IF he is asked back. The new show runner has been extremely negative about Chris, the Stabler character, and his fans, so I don't see that happening but maybe it will.


It does sound as if there is some animosity. So I think it would take A LOT to get him back for an appearance or two. I understand *beep* happens but the show was all about Benson/Stabler for 12 years and as a fan I feel I have been disrespected with the *beep* exit of the character and no final scene between the two.


The show is STILL a hit and walking away has that "David Caruso" or "Mandy Patinkin" or now "Dan Stevens" feel. Yes, some feel the show is losing luster; but it's got some life in it and when one is the star; it is bad form to walk away.

The producer, director, writer, and sponsor thought SO MUCH of you, and expressed such faith in you, that to stiff them is just plain bad manners. You took your fat check "as long as 'you' were challenged." That's a bit self-serving. His "career" would not be destroyed if he stayed with the company until it wrapped! It's not like he had a bit part, or was paid a bit salary.


...and just how long to you think he should stay, for 20 years maybe? It wasn't doing his choice of future parts any good. The longer he stayed with the show the more difficult it becomes. I find it ridiculous that anyone feels they have the right to tell anyone that they 'have' to stay in their job, if they have the interest and the means to do something else. If he had stayed on that show, he wouldn't have got doing the varied film work and the two TV roles that he has done. Chris in no way 'stiffed' anyone. He worked to the end of his contract, he went into negotiations but obviously felt that the conditions or whatever he was offered wasn't enough to keep him there for another two years. The show has continued without him so no-one lost their jobs as a result. The show runner had left before he did so it was no skin off Neal Baer's nose. I don't understand what you mean by the show's 'sponsor'. At end of the day, who else does he have to 'serve' other than himself and his family? Quite frankly, with the way the new show runner has since talked about him and indeed the other lead actors he has worked with (Vincent D'Onofrio and Chris Noth) I think Chris would have done himself a huge disservice to have stayed.


Can I say how much I co-sign to your beautiful post. It's not up to Chris to re-sign with a show that has habitually abused him. I remember back to season eight when he was negotiating for another two seasons and they (NBC, Universal, Wolf Films) told him they were willing to let him go and keep Hargitay since according to them, she was the draw. I remember on his website he said, "The drama is past and here are the facts. It looks like I'll be back for 2 more years on SVU. The negotiations were unpleasant to say the least (I'll have much more to say about that when my responsibilities to the show are done). I'm a proud little worker bee for NBC." The last four years on the show were hard for him and finally at the end of twelve, he decided he'd had enough. I can't say I blame him.

"Sometimes my ruminations are too confusing for someone not inside my head." -Anon


Sorry to be the dummy here, but WHAT HAPPENED TO OLIVIA?? I had to miss a season or 2 of the show, & even now see it only sporadically.
Why was it that Stabler left the job, & why did Meloni leave the show, & when was this??


In the season 12 finale Stabler shot a teenage girl who was shooting people, including Sister Peg, in the squadroom. It was poorly , in my opinion, explained in the season 13 premiere that he wouldn't undergo the evaluation needed for him to come back and retired, as he was entitled to do. They also said that he wouldn't accept any calls from his partner (very out of character).
Chris left after negotiations went south which was after the season 12 finale was completed. Soon afterwards, he was cast in Man of Steel.


you think they'd let him back NOW though? i haven't watched the show since he left...and now MUNCH is gone....so is there really any reason left to keep this show going? lol
