MovieChat Forums > Christopher Meloni Discussion > Negan. The Walking Dead

Negan. The Walking Dead

Pretty much the perfect choice IMO.
What do you guys think?


Hadn't even crossed my mind but that would be brilliant!


Agree! Never would have thought of him but now I think that would be a perfect choice.


I think Kevin Durand is more fitting to play the part of Negan, but considering that Chris is a really solid actor, I think he would make a decent replacement if Kevin is unavailable due to The Strain.


Chris or kevin is who i hope for...Kevin is just built like negan, has a similar facial structure. I feel like he is too stoic most of the time though.
Chris on the other hand, he has that charisma to play negan, he is capable of being intense if you've seen him in true blood and similar roles.
He is also...very chameleon like, able to blend into any type of character...they would both do the role justice.


I always thought Henry Rollins would be the perfect choice for Negan, but Chris would be great.

dies ist meine unterschrift


Perfect choice.
