Row 5, seat B.

Right between Steven Tyler and Lena Dunham on my death plane.


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Leslie Mann is brilliant.she's hilarious and the intelligence is staring out of her.she's got beautiful eyes and a beautiful favourite role of hers is "Debbie" in "knocked up" particularly the scene at the club when can't get in and goes on about those "little bitches".my favourite character of hers is the lush from "the forty year old virgin".she's steals the show with her drunken antics and her like to see a movie based on this character.I was disappointed by the movie "the other women" but not by her fact I'm going to look out and watch "funny people".I wasn't impressed by it but I'm going to watch her performance.its an "insider movie"the sort of movie made for thirty people sitting in an arthouse cinema all guffawing and laughing at their own intelligence and witt and mocking others because they're just not intelligent enough to "get it".I've been told that she wasn't impressed by it either and the thing is I think I might have given it to a local charity shop because the last time I watched I fell asleep but I'm going to give it another go if I can find it LOL.


LMAO!! 😂
