MovieChat Forums > Bill Maher Discussion > Grandpa Maher is getting cranky how that...

Grandpa Maher is getting cranky how that he's becoming irrelevant

It's hilarious to see these once edgy comedians lose their shit as they realize that they're losing audiences because of how old and irrelevant they're becoming. Every few months, Grandpa Maher keeps doing or saying something obnoxious to gain attention (N word, Milo Yiannolopoulos). Now Grandpa Maher is reverting back to childhood begging everyone to fat shame people. That's something that might have been cool and daring in your thirties, but pretty pathetic for an AARP member and someone who's 10 years away from wearing Depends.


What are you, about twelve? Go ask mommy to take your hand and lead you to the safe space to play with crayons.


Hey, Grandpa, wake up. "Safe space" hasn't been used as an insult in three years. Try to keep up.


Safe space and SJW are more appropriate than ever. You're just pissed off that Maher mocks you people.


"Safe space" proponents and SJWs are indeed pathetic. Bill Maher has every right to mock those people.

I do however somewhat agree with the OP in that Maher is starting to come off like the archetypal grouchy old man these days.


You posting like a petulant child. That is why you seem like you are 12


Are you senile? Bill was 63. Johnny Carson did late night until 67.

Joe Rogan is old for a big YouTube host. Only 52, makes up to $10m. Better known than Bill.


Joe signed a contract last year for $100 million. He's one of the most listened to people in the world.


no he's not. he only has 9m, armin van buren has 40m, howard stern and even ryan seacrest have 20m


You are wrong, but most of the things you say are incorrect, so I'm not surprised.



See Forky, if you can't play nice, you get deleted. I'll just keep at it until they ban your account and you open another account like you did with this one.



Huh, I can't seem to see your second reply.🤣


I'd forgotten about Joe now that he's on Spotify. They've deleted 42 episodes now. Hostage to SJW bullies!


That's ridiculous, and surprised Joe is ok with it.


Of course he's okay with it.

He's made excuses for COVID and even toed the line saying it came from bats instead of the Wuhan lab, where inquiries have revealed where it originated from (even though we knew this since late 2019 after the Chinese whistleblowers came forward and then were mysteriously killed/died).

Joe also makes sure he doesn't completely anger his SJW overlords, constantly backpedaling on things that should have hard stances. He's too shilly to have a moral backbone to stand against Spotify's removal of his shows. And Spotify is part of the zeitgeist that controls our media infotainment/news.


Oh,I see you are clueless about Joe and what he actually stands for. Got it. Thanks for clearing that up.


None of what I said was wrong.

Doesn't matter what Joe "stands for" when it he won't even stand up for his own show not being censored by Spotify.

Shows a large lack of integrity on his part.


🤣 I guess you don't understand how contracts work. It's still THEIR platform.


Yeah, and if he had any integrity he wouldn't have signed the contract that allowed Spotify to censor HIS shows.

So that draws back to my original comment about Joe backpedaling and kowtowing to his SJW overlords.

Someone who didn't want to kowtow would have opted out of the contracted.


Even if he still had his edge (he doesn't), it was bound to happen as there are new outlets popping up every day (endless cable channels, even more youtube/bitchute channels), that are edgier, funnier, and more insightful than Mahrer could ever dream of being. Doesn't help that he appears to have sold out in his old age and pretty much just parrots the narrative the establishment wants him to as his opinions are now no different than any other MSM schill out there. That wasn't always the case.


"parrots the narrative the establishment wants him to as his opinions are now no different than any other MSM schill out there."

Bill has a lot of problems and that is not one of them. He questions and challenges the MSM like CNN, MSNBC, etc.

Part of the establishment ? maybe so. But what are you calling the establishment ? Just to clarify?

Is he old and out of touch ? yes.


Since you asked, here is a glimpse of what I am talking about

While there are several supposed media outlets, they are typically controlled by a few super-rich elites, and they don't really report news anymore, but propaganda to push the agenda of "the establishment". They seek to inundate you with it, hit you from all sides, and demoralize you into not challenging their narrative. When someone does, they refer to it as "conspiracy theory" and such (as they do in this video). Bill Maher is part of this (HBO wouldn't put him on the air if he wasn't). Yes, from time to time he talks about certain small issues that seem like he may independent, but on the big issues, he falls right in line like the rest of them. This coordinated effort extends beyond mainstream media. Many politicians, mostly on the democrat side are part of it (that is why they get such favorable treatment from the media), bureaucrats in the government, particularly the intelligence community. In 2018, several "ex" intelligence personnel ran for office, almost exclusively as democrats

Why would that be if there wasn't some coordination. Also, have to wonder if they are really "ex" intelligence and if their loyalties don't lie someplace other than with their constituency. In the last phase, we will extend it out further. Time Magazine, in a story almost bragging about their crime, wrote about coordination between provate companies, big tech, democrats, and others, to sway the election. They admitted to everything except the actual voter/election fraud that anyone paying attention knows was present.

I could keep going


Thanks for the response with actual info. I look forward into delving in it over the next few days.


He is not out of touch because he is old, he is out of touch because he is very rich, and his personality is so much like Donald Trump's that he is starting to turn orange.


So Elon Musk, Bill Gates , and Jeff Bezos are even more out of touch. So you don't take them seriously either, right?


I like Bezos.


I can live with that


Those don't pretend to be common men.


Yeah, the Dems are going to cancel Maher. LOL


LOL, wow you're so edgy. Like we've never heard the "Okay, Boomer" critique before right?

I just watched his rant last night about Cancel Culture and he was spot on. Leave it to Fux News to retweet his rants as if he wasn't calling them a bunch of retards as well but they got triggered because they thought (without listening to his entire speech) he was on their side, but he clearly isn't.

I don't care how old he is because it looks like a lot of Xers, Millennials, and Gen Zers in the media are too scared to speak their mind and indeed the entitled "cancel culture" brigade has done nothing to address and alleviate racism, income inequality, or social decay overall. I also appreciate his relentless attack of Social Media culture and how unfoundedly powerful and influential it is.


I am sick of Maher's rants against political correctness, cancel culture or boycotts of or from corporations. It is a good thing for democracy and the country that companies like Coke are putting pressure on Georgia about its BS election laws.


Bill's rants are about more existential things like perceived racism or hatred resulting in an overreach of shaming someone. That obscure NBA player is just one example of that where he supposedly muttered "Kike" while on Twitch playing a friggin video game. Did is verbal slip up mean that he's a Nazi sympathizer? The forced injunction of his career would imply that he is but he's not.

The Georgia voting law fall out is playing itself out with corporate and personal boycotts and the argument could be made that the GOP who are behind these new voting restrictions are themselves practicing "WOKE" culture in that they want a social political setting that supports their viewpoint and way of life. Bill also clearly knows that the Republican-led voting laws are B.S. and an attempt to secure GOP chokeholds on the electoral college process for future elections.


> Did is verbal slip up mean that he's a Nazi sympathizer?

Well he did say it, and he said in public, enough for it to get recorded and
noticed. That was a very peculiar thing to say.

I don't know what he meant. I didn't hear it, I don't care, but why would he
say that weird Jewish racist almost Nazi insult? I think it is fair for anyone to determine for themselves what it means, and I think Bill Maher should shut the fuck up - and not pretend he was Jewish so he can comment on that. Did you hear what he said about his
mother being Jewish ... well, not really, but does that give him enough cred to
comment. What was moronic.

>> the argument could be made that the GOP who are behind these new voting restrictions are themselves practicing "WOKE" culture in that they want a social political setting that supports their viewpoint and way of life.

??? I don't get that one ... how would that work?


I just watched his rant last night about Cancel Culture and he was spot on.

There's no such thing as Cancel Culture. Media was never a free-for-all. People have been getting shit-canned since the dawn of Hollywood entertainment. You could never, ever, EVER say whatever you wanted on TV, in music or radio without getting jailed, heavily fined or even fired from a major gig. You also couldn't do anything you wanted, either. You had to live like a saint or pretend to.

Things were so much more precarious back in the day that Hollywood literally had people called "fixers":

I don't care how old he is because it looks like a lot of Xers, Millennials, and Gen Zers in the media are too scared to speak their mind...

Speak their mind? What MIND ? This is what's infuriating me about screams of "cancel culture." There isn't a damned person playing the "cancel culture" card who has ever said anything remotely insightful, intelligent or groundbreaking, because all they do is make mindless reactionary and contrarian comments designed to antagonize, annoy or whip people into a frenzy. That's why they get "canceled", so to speak--not because people don't want them to speak their minds, but because they don't like tactless, tone deaf or incendiary comments.

On top of that, there always used to be this rule about keeping your comments to yourself about hotbed issues unless you wanted to make enemies. The common parlance was, "Never talk religion or politics." Celebs crying "cancel culture" break this rule every time they open their mouths.


You say it doesn't exist but it's a hot trending topic on every talk show on TV, Radio and the Internet. Well, obviously it does and even though you pointed out that people and societies have censored and censured people for over a millennia. I'm not going to change your mind about that and neither is Bill.


Who cares if it's a hot trending topic? Cancel culture doesn't exist. Do you not understand that social media and whatever buzzword keeps getting bounced around in mainstream media is not reality? That something trending is not reality? Reality is reality. Not social media. Not the prattling of people on TV, radio or otherwise.


Who cares if it's a hot trending topic? Cancel culture doesn't exist. Do you not understand that social media and whatever buzzword keeps getting bounced around in mainstream media is not reality?

It doesn't matter if it's reality or not. This is like you trying to argue that the Kardashians are not famous because they have zero talents. YOu don't seem to get how media content in the digital age, let alone the archaic print age, exists. 50 years ago there was a popular saying that when people saw something on TV it meant that it was real. Decades before that it was what people heard on the radio was "real" because they heard it on the radio.

So go ahead and scream that cancel culture, wokeness, social justice warrioring, QAnon Child Eating Pizza Pedophiles in the Democratic party doesn't exist. They do to millions who keep talking about it.


This is like you trying to argue that the Kardashians are not famous because they have zero talents.

No, it's NOT. This is me arguing that just because the Kardashians are given the same red carpet treatment and media attention as iconic celebrities doesn't mean they are iconic celebrities.

YOu don't seem to get how media content in the digital age, let alone the archaic print age, exists. 50 years ago there was a popular saying that when people saw something on TV it meant that it was real. Decades before that it was what people heard on the radio was "real" because they heard it on the radio.


So go ahead and scream that cancel culture, wokeness, social justice warrioring, QAnon Child Eating Pizza Pedophiles in the Democratic party doesn't exist. They do to millions who keep talking about it.

What millions? The tiny percentage of American crackpots who spend all of their free time on social media or dominate mainstream media? There are 300M people it the United States. Maybe 10% are heavily invested in this garbage. 1% of the 10% are the idiots who go on social media or are podcasters and TV show hosts like Bill Maher ranting about it.

Bottom line, this culture war crap is a war between showbiz elites and social media elites. Not between one part of America and another part.


You obviously want to live in a bubble where nobody talks about cancel culture. Well, you can build filters for that and stop listening to, watching, and reading from people who continue to talk about it, otherwise nobody cares.


I am sure seeing a lot of this ... comments that go up by someone, and then the user gets deleted. Does anyone know what is going on with that? Are these accounts just quitting MovieChat or are they being delete, and if so what for and why?


I've always had a love/hate feeling about Bill Maher. On the one hand....I've always found him to be a one-sided, far left weasel, who still thinks being a Democrat means he's in the "cool kids club", with the hip, pot-smoking progressives. He'd be much more hip and present-day as an Independent. His views and mindset are dated and no longer relevant (with regards to both political parties....and with regards to his bias to the left). Consequently.....his rants are mostly one-sided, biased and spun to the left. Not very credible, impartial or open-minded. If he were more objective...I'd be a much bigger fan, because in general...I love the idea of a talk show host who is not afraid to call things HYPOCRISY.

That brings me to what I DO like about Maher. He's one of a dying breed of celebrity talk show hosts who is actually (somewhat) unafraid to call out hypocrisy (like Piers Morgan)...and push back on things like cancel culture.I wish he had a bigger platform...wish he had stronger takes (like he used to)....and wish those takes would get seen/heard more...(like on TMZ and other platforms). Still, at least he has the guts to take stances and push back...without fearing that the mere fact he has a differing opinion from the SJW mob could get him cancelled. SJW's may end up doing him in...cancel culture may cut him down....but eff them, at least he goes down with his principals and dignity intact.


> That brings me to what I DO like about Maher. He's one of a dying breed of celebrity talk show hosts who is actually (somewhat) unafraid to call out hypocrisy (like Piers Morgan)

Yeah, I appreciate that about him too ... but he is so desperate to have something to rant about in the last few years he more often than not gets it wrong - at least as far as I can see.

I think cancel culture is pretty much of a nothing thing. His last run in with political correctness was when he made the "house n-word" comment and had to apologize. That is, he was doing what you said, trying to seem cool and in solidarity with blacks, and people said no. The problem with Bill is that he is so much like Trump. He will fight that forever now, he always has to be right - because he lives along and hires friends, he has a very distorted view of reality.

The other day he was saying how he liked ... I think it was HBO, because they were nice to him. A more Trumpian comment he could not have made. I think he is entering into his old age crisis, maybe even a kind of dementia because his jokes are so stale. He has little patience for others, and constantly interrupts and never lets an actual discussion take place, past his ability to make smart remarks.

It is popular these days to use terms like social justice warrior, or woke, or snowflake, but this is just a less nasty way to discredit people's feelings and rights. He tries to play both sides of the aisle, and you really cannot do that - he is coming down on the side of his class - the rich white guy know it all in power elite.

Maybe you don't realize but 100 years ago the government was sending in troops to kill people for rioting and demonstrating so they would not have to have their children work, or could limit their work day to 8 hours. They used the same dismissive phrases to attack those demonstrators as they do today - but they also used machine guns and baseball bats.

Bill is turning into Donald Trump.


I am the original OP. I can tell you what happened with me.

It's a combination of both of what you said. A poster gets targeted by trolls and deletes their account (or just becomes bored/frustrated by annoying regulars at Movie Chat). Then people who enjoyed talking to that poster delete their account in frustration or solidarity.

What happened in my case is that I kept having the same posters cyber stalking me across various forums and doing that crappy thing of lying about my post history to other members of MC, so they'd click on my profile page and get the wrong impression about me.

So, say, I posted comments on The Seinfeld forum. All of a sudden, three posters who'd interacted with me on a different forum would say stuff like, "Oh, don't listen to her; she's a racist/sexist/etc.; just look at her post history. All she does is say how she hates so-and-so." And of course, I never said anything like that, but then idiots would respond with, "Oh, really? Thanks for the heads up! I had no idea!"

So, that's one reason why I deleted the account. I did it to thwart my stalkers. The whole point of a post history is for users who are interested in a poster to look at other posts that might be of interest. It's not supposed to be a form of weaponization where you just cyber stalk a person across the site or you gaslight new posters into imagining there's a common thread that isn't there.

Another reason why I quit the site is that I kind of got confirmation that this site may be a stomping ground for disinformation trolls. I'm not going to get into it, but having seen so many foreigners trying to "pass" for American across multiple platforms and are taking sides in political discourse, I'm pretty sure that MC is another platform where they've camped out, because their behavior is consistent with the behavior I've been seeing on Flipboard, YouTube, Daily Mail, etc.

What's so funny is that months after I deleted my post, the stalkers were so obsessed with me that they spent pages talking about me in my absence. In one case, a guy bragged about how my deleted account was proof that he was right about me being a troll, as if implying I had been banned. But that wasn't the case.


I think a lot more about all this stuff on social media is a lot faker than we ever imagine. It is a violation of people's human rights I think. Freedom of speech should be with respect to a subject matter or issue, or something related. If someone just steps in with a curse word or insult that is irrelevant and unqualified - it needs to be deleted.

And security of identity should be guaranteed, except for all the constant hacks of people's data.


Coming from a rhino that's a compliment. I think you mean because he's telling people to lose weight that's "fat shaming". Time for you whales to go on a diet!


>> Grandpa Maher is reverting back to childhood begging everyone to fat shame people.

Well, people can always ugly-shame him back! ;-)


The bottom line of all the complaints about him in this thread all come down to the same thing: he doesn't agree with the complainer's view. Nothing new here. Just the same old same old. Moving on.
