Honorable Mention

Oh boy, yay, Lucy received an honorable mention in TV Line's performer of the week.
HONORABLE MENTION | We knew from the moment we heard that Lucy Lawless was joining Salem that we were in for a treat. The natural born badass was just so, so right to play the Countess Marburg — the one witch wicked enough to make even alpha female Mary Sibley nervous — that we were left giddy by the prospect of their inevitable showdowns. And when at last the first of them took place in this week’s episode, “The Wine Dark Sea,” the erstwhile Xena, Warrior Princess, didn’t just meet our expectations — high as they were — she exceeded them, milking every venomous line for all it was worth. Take this gem, for instance: “You can put a crown on a sow’s head, it doesn’t make it a queen.” Hurled by a lesser actress, the insult might have come off campy and cheap; but, as delivered by Lawless, it came off campy and sublime. Color us enthralled.


I second that. Every reviewer I've read has made it a point to say how well Lucy is doing in this role. She is just as strong and mesmerizing as evil Xena or Lucretia. She is doing fine work on Salem.

The producers and co-stars are thrilled to have her too.


Great show! I wish she had more screentime though.


That is very excellent. She is killing it on Salem :)

💕ty all for very active Xena board.proof it's still so captivating💕


Yes, she's getting great reviews for Salem. Good on her!

Every time you think, "screw it, YOLO", just remember YODO. L
