Bring Xena Back!!

It's been too long and I think it was a mistake to end Xena when they did, and how they did!! I think they should either bring back the series or FINALLY make a Xena movie!! Like Lucy said, they'd be crazy not to!!


Well the rights need to be sorted out, but honestly you would it would have been by now.

Every time you think, "screw it, YOLO", just remember YODO. L


Well I keep hearing about a reboot, the problem is it sounds like Lucy and Renee won't be back as Xena and Gabrielle. 😭😭😭😭😭


Eh? I can't even remember replying to this. Oddly enough. it was 4 or 5 days after when the reboot thing was rumored/announced. So it's moot point now.

Every time you think, "screw it, YOLO", just remember YODO. L
