MovieChat Forums > Katie Holmes Discussion > Do you think Katie regrets not turning d...

Do you think Katie regrets not turning down the marriage audition?

Of course every one has read that before Tom chose Katie to be his next wife after his previous failed attempts at courting Jennifer Garner, Scarlett Johansson and Jessica Alba to audition. We know that Jennifer Garner turned him down because she was dating Ben Affleck and just wasn't interested. Jessica Alba turned him down because she was not interested and because she was dating Cash Warren. Scarlett Johansson showed up for the audition until she saw it was the Church of Scientology, freaked out and left. All of them are in better places having not married Tom and actually have decent-ish careers and fans. Do you think Katie regrets agreeing to audition for a marriage to Tom seeing how the other 3 turned out or what? On one hand, i think Katie has benefited greatly from Tom because she had no career before him and was going nowhere fast. She got a lot of media/tabloid attention because of him and money. But then again, she lost a lot of respect from people and is literally known JUST for being Tom's ex wife and Suri's mom and of course she had to deal with all that Scientology crap.


Yes. She regrets especially being fired from the Dark Knight.


Fired? Really? Hahahahah


I don't think she was actually fired, was she? I thought it was her choice not to do it.

"I do love a civil war. You know, these wars today are so rude and ill mannered."


I justly laugh about his bath faith ... Of course she didn't get fired, it was her choice, well not really her choice because of Tom Cruise's brain-washing ... Hope her career will turn on, I just love her!


She neglected her PR duties during the promotion of 'Batman Begins'. She promoted her shammarriage and her shamhusband's then new movie Mission Implausible 3 and didn't seem to care about what would happen to 'Batman Begins'.


correct. They were both in the dog house with their respective producers, et al. because all they talked about was themselves on the promotional tours. She was not asked back. Yea, Nolan gave her hhigh praise, what else was he going to do, tell the truth? What's the point.
And anyone who thinks she chose Mad MOney over TDK should have their head examined for holes.
Maybe the real reason is that tc didn't want her working again with Christian Bale......the older Suri gets, the more she resembles him!!!

I'll make some bacon, you look like you could use some bacon.


"Scarlett Johansson showed up for the audition until she saw it was the Church of Scientology, freaked out and left."

Scar-Jo ain't no dummy. Never sell your soul for fame!


Why would she regret it. She now has CS for years and she may be a little rich, but she is nowhere near TC rich. Her acting record sucks and she isn't that talented. She was lucky to have married him.
