MovieChat Forums > Katie Holmes Discussion > whatever the reason was for leaving TDK,...

whatever the reason was for leaving TDK, she f-d up

and let everybody down.

It doesn't happen that often, but ppl (like me) hate it when it does happen.
She should feel a bit ashamed.


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Yeah, I liked Mad Money and all...but she should've stuck around. I hated the Gyllenhaal girl in the role, which isn't normal. But, they killed her off anyways so Batman could run off with Cat Woman... ugh what a stupid plot line.

"I don't patronize bunny rabbits."


She rocked! Good chemistry between her and Bruce. Holmes was prettier and hotter than Gyllehaal who is(sorry)one of the ugliest actress I've ever seen. I mean if you can act, add the fact too that the look is important, I'm not the only who thinks that, I think it's important because don't forget that she looked like she is 45 and it's not really convincing for a love story. Who would turn around an ugly woman like her? Please come on... PLUS, one of the critics who systematically appeared at that time of BB is that Holmes is TOO young for an attorney, hmmm, she has a pretty young face for an attorney, a sexy attorney who begins her career, why not? I'm sad because Holmes would be known as BB-TDK-actress, everyone already does a mistake in his life and I'm sure TC has something to have with it. Now she broke up with him, she is getting her career back on track, miss you Kate.


Katie Holmes was panned by critics for her acting in Batman Begins. On top of that, she spent the whole time promoting her relationship with Tom Cruise and not the movie. She angered the director and producers of the film and it's said that they kicked her off and she didn't willingly leave, but they didn't announce it that way tot he public obviously. Also, she even said on a talk show interview which movie fans should see between Batman Begins and Tom's movie that was also coming out and she said to go see Tom's! She is the reason she was not wanted back and why she was replaced, she has no one to blame but herself.

Besides, they replaced Katie with Maggie Gyllenhaal who actually can act. There is a reason that Maggie has been nominated for an Academy Award, two Golden Globes and has won and been nominated for many other awards over the course of her career and the only awards Katie has been nominated for and/or won are teen awards and Razzies.


You didn't mention she got nominated for the best supporting actress in Batman begins by the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films (Saturn awards), wonder why.


Seriously? You're comparing a SATURN award nomination to an ACADEMY AWARD nomination? LMAO. Katie's performance was panned by critics, that's not even a lie. She was usually the one negative in reviews for the film by critics. Katie can't act to save her life. If she didn't marry and have a child with Tom Cruise, she wouldn't even be in the business anymore just like all former teen show actors and actresses that disappear when their show goes off the air.

Nobody wants Katie Holmes in their films and her filmography proves that.


What? Prove us when I compare them please. I just said to the guy that if you want to compare their talent in Batman: just be honest because he just said she had one razzie award but he never said she also got NOMINATED for the best supporting actress in BB (proof she was great), isn't it convenient to get nominated for the best and worst supporting actress? Let me think why ... Let's face it, those persons who criticize Holmes add also the fact that she just changed her religion, yes, she blindly became scientologist: do you really think when you critic someone you critic only her performance? Come on, the perfect example is TCruise, he always had bad critics in his life and everybody hate her because of his fanatic cult so what about an actress who becomes her wife and scientologist, come on!


It was good for the movie as a better actress got the role. She was terrible in Batman Begins.I have to agree. I like looking at Katie but she comes across as a prom queen. Maggie was a dramatic upgrade.
