MovieChat Forums > Katie Holmes Discussion > This board is DEAD...much like Katie's c...

This board is DEAD...much like Katie's career

I guess it's inevitable now that she can't rely on the TomKat circus to remain relevant in the media. I don't post as much as I did before but I do come by here on occasion to see what's going on with Katie, post-divorce. Very little activity of interest (she's still peddling her pipe dream of running a successful fashion line. LOL!). I hope she's using this downtime wisely, i.e. reconnecting with family, friends...gosh, with her humanity; working intensely with a skilled acting coach. After her cult experience, Katie needs a good dose of normalcy and the mundane before resuming any big time spotlight, IMO.

Anyways, where are all of her fans and why so few of them are posting about her? This place used to be rolling on a daily basis; now, a near standstill. I guess the majority have moved on? A change of feeling from like/dislike to indifference? Simply not much to report about?


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Holmes should take the plunge and return to TV. Sarah Michelle Gellar and Christina Ricci were both cast in comedy pilots for the upcoming season. Keri Russell has received good reviews for her show The Americans. My guess would be that Holmes would strongly prefer to do something that films in New York and also something on cable.


She doesn't have the talent for the big screen. End of story... No matter how many great coaches.
If people like Christina Ricci, Claire Danes and so many others are turning to TV now, I doubt that she would be cast even there.


She could get cast on a network show. Some of the actors being cast for pilots this season have been on multiple shows that either never made it beyond the pilot stage or were failures, and Holmes was actually on a successful TV show.

According to Deadline Hollywood, the most in demand actress this pilot season has been Rose Byrne, coming off Damages and Bridesmaids, and Byrne is almost the same age as Holmes. Byrne has supposedly turned down everything that was offered to her, which likley means most of the shows/roles are not that great, but there are roles out there being cast on TV.


I have a feeling that Katie will be just fine :)


And 'specially with Anne Hathaway & Jen Lawrence coming off Oscar wins it seems
that Katie's big screen future appears to be numbered,IMO!!!


They can act circles around Katie; I like Katie, but Jen and Anne are awesome, hence Jen's two time Oscar nominations and one win. What's Katie gotten? Oh, wait....nothing.


Lol I would never base my opinions off of the Oscar's. They always over-hype every 'artsy' or 'dramatic' film s they perceive it. Not to say I don't like the movies, but I like most movies. Jennifer Lawrence should not have won for that role. If she were going to win for any role, it should have been for Winter's Bone. But, SLP was just not amazing to me. Hilarious at the end, sad, and awkward to watch at times..but it just wasn't a powerful movie to me. And Anne... She's a little over-hyped herself, and a lot of her roles have just been mediocre and great due to a fantastic cast. I love her, but she has range issues.

Katie Holmes isn't a bad actress, and I like most of her work. She can only play certain roles, but those roles will always be needed. She has had a few more 'edgy' characters, and did pretty well with those, I think she'll be fine once she starts going for it again.

"I don't patronize bunny rabbits."
