MovieChat Forums > Katie Holmes Discussion > Katie was very, very smart

Katie was very, very smart

Katie did 2 key things that tipped the whole sordid affair in her favor:

1) Used disposable cell phones to communicate. The Scibots couldn't monitor or tap what they didn't know about. That move allowed her to strategize with her Dad.
2) Formed a alliance/friendship with Nicole Kidman. Gave her someone key to bounce things off of she had observed in total confidence.

Item 1 was very smart.
Item 2 was....absolutely brilliant!

And to those dumbazz folks that referred to KH as a goldigger-it's out now that she doesn't get a dime of support since she pulled the plug (but she will get $10M over next 12 yrs in child support). She clearly knew that forfeit clause up front. Katie was fine with that in order toget what she wanted (she has her own dough).

So, it WASN'T about the money after all(hear me lame DeniseActress??

It WAS TOTALLY about doing what was righ & best for her child.

I am a divoced Dad myself and I completly applaud how she worked this against heavy odds. And sooner or later, all the explosive and lurid stuff about Cruise & Scientology she had to sign non-discolsures on will come to light. Not if, but when...

" I don't agree, but I do understand" - Chris Rock


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Only when the other party wasn't playing the spy game. So this is what married couple supposed to do to each other, out-cunning your spouse.


Katie was forced by HIS Scientology minions spying on her and the child to do what she did. She simply wanted ut of a loveless, sexless marriage. I do agree that couples normally shouldn't have to resort to strategic planning & cunning to this level. But in this case, she did what she had to do. Tom as an actor I like. But as a person, he comes off very controlling, a typical 'short man syndrome' type.

I just admire how she went about it. Never mess with a mother regarding her child's walfare. Brings out the 'gangsta' in them. Word is his "sadness" has now turned to anger as it hits him hard she out manuevered him. Tommy Boy can't stand the thought of that. He doesn't like to lose. While she has gained a new legion of fans for NOT going after the money.

" I don't agree, but I do understand" - Chris Rock


Very well said, Lexuses! And all the press seems to be on her side as well. They KNOW the cult is a cult and they play dirty.

MadameGuillotine says, "never forget your password AND what email you used."


You would think that a man so concerned about his career would get out of this cult. Either he believes their hogwash or he is being blackmailed to stay in.

Either way it is just so sad.
At least Katie got away I hope. Only time will tell whether Tom will abide by Katie's wishes and not try to sway Suri to his church and I say church tongue in cheek.


Only when the other party wasn't playing the spy game. So this is what married couple supposed to do to each other, out-cunning your spouse.
If the spouse has put them in danger, yes.

It's not just a bag it's a Prada


There have been reports that John Travolta has been trying to leave this cult for years but they know all his dirty little secrets (his very gay ones) and he knows if he leaves it will all comes out.

Charming religion huh?

"'Jesus, please save me from your followers!"
