MovieChat Forums > Jamie Foxx Discussion > Jamie Foxx at the BET awards: 'Our Lord ...

Jamie Foxx at the BET awards: 'Our Lord and Savior Barack Obama'

Jamie Foxx announced at the Soul Train Awards that 0bama is now officially his people's messiah.

Think about this before you buy tickets to his movies, rent his dvds or give any kind of financial support to someone like this. His movie Django is coming out on Christmas. Is that who you really want to put money in the pockets of? All of those people cheering when he said 0bama was their lord and savior. Is there any hope for them? Regardless, you have the power to not give money to this thing or anything else like him.


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What do you think would have happened if a conservative celebrity said this about President Bush. Or President Reagan? There would have been huge outcry for their head on a platter. The hypocrisy of the left is astounding.


He/she wouldn't be a Conservative if they said that about anyone except Jesus or whatever your religion is.

What happened here is that Jamie exposed himself yet again. The messed up part is that he shares the same view of most things as his people. Race is first, God, country, gender and everything else is secondary.


Very creepy, and just a sign of the times. What do you expect from fans of a guy who said he would slow the rise of the oceans?

Richard Rickman is a respected therapist. Rick Rickman will sell you a used Grand Cherokee.


The comments actually surprised me. I thought there would be a bunch of 0bama/Foxx supporters in here trashing me for exposing the truth. Tell me how I only get my info from Fox News and Rush Limbaugh, haha.

I will take a stand and say no to Foxx


Many on the left decry those who are faith-based, but this shows that politics is where they put their faith and hope. And now a lawyer/politician from Chicago is the messiah, the voting booth is the temple and election day is a tent revival.

It is amazing to watch, sad to realize and even funny. But the curtain has been pulled and we now see the left-wing for the unhitched nuts they have become. Even Obama himself might find this odd - I think.


I am annoyed at Jamie's stupid, arrogant statement. But I will STILL see Django Unchained. I love QTs films and won't let dumb statements from his left wing friends/actors deter me otherwise.
