MovieChat Forums > Ben Foster Discussion > Hoping this guy hits A-list level soon

Hoping this guy hits A-list level soon

So he can bump off some of the current crop of douchey lead men that are running Hollywood today. Movies needs some new younger male leads that aren't metro.

Amy: I swear to God...I swear to God! That is NOT how you treat your human!


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He's been a list to me, but I'm a tad biased.



I wanted him to be Robin in TDKR but that didn't happen lol. Hoping for a perfect Marvel role now


couldn't agree more.....he's been A List for over 10 years IMO. Amazing talent...


The term 'A-list' has nothing to do with how much you like him. It means he commands sufficient box office to carry a film. It means other actors are set aside if he can be cast instead. It means attaching him to a project is a virtual guarantee of a green light.


Funny cause I was wondering the same thing. This guy is a great actor. Miles better than Charlie Hunnam,or that other idiot from Jupiter Ascending Channing Tatum.

Wut my name is....


Hollywood chews up and spits out lots of talented actors.

OT: Look at The Strain (FX series): there are lots of recognizable faces there and their performances are wonderful on an otherwise mediocre show. Mia Maestro, Kevin Durand, and especially Richard Sammel are all excellent actors who have starred in some decent productions. Robert Maillet was actually decent in the few scenes without makeup, but what roles can a man play when he's seven feet tall? None of these guys ever became a household name, though I hope Sammel does because he is absolutely fantastic in his role. I didn't mention Corey Stoll because he just played Yellowjacket in Ant-Man this year, so we may be seeing more of him in the future. The actors are all better than the material, but at least hey are working and in the public eye.

I hope Ben Foster gets his big break. He deserves it. However, there's nothing wrong with not being a leading man but having a long, steady line of roles like Phillip Seymor Hoffman or Jeffrey Wright did.


Agree 100% have loved him since Six Feet Under and he was absolutely amazing in The Program. I swear he WAS Lance Armstrong. I think he will be huge in the Wow film, he is playing a very important role
