Car commercials?

Really? Money's money, I guess.


Mark Strong, Matthew McConaughey, Ben Kingsley and Tom Hiddleston all have done them in recent years. Its no longer an insult or taking a pay check, just good business like all the movie actors taking TV roles now. He probably got tens of thousands for a days work of poses and facial expressions.

Words are wind.


A cool commercial, nonetheless.


His Lexus car commercial is terrific. That's why I came here ! He is a truly handsome man and a really good actor. He was great in American Beauty ! Remember Pat Reilly and Jonathan Price also made great commercials !

reply's not that big a deal to do these so much anymore. I mean huge stars like George Clooney and Brad Pitt have done them just in foreign countries. It's a pretty old practice at this point. And hey it's a pretty slick commercial and Wes looks great in it so what's not to like?! 


I know! What's not to like. 

Tact is just not saying true stuff. I'll pass.


Not a thing wrong with a actor doing commercials, as they're a perfectly legit source of income and exposure. And seeing someone like Wes Bentley in one will make me pay attention to it where I otherwise might not have.


Ah good, I came here to confirm it was him...

For a week now I kept thinking....I know that guy, but from where?

Then I thought...oh right, the guy from American Beauty, Ghost Rider, and Hunger Games.


Agreed, I still remember Pryce's commercials, and Bentley's are really terrific and watchable. And he's grown up into a really charismatic and handsome guy. So glad his addictions seem to be under control -- he's so talented, I really want to see him continue to act and create characters.

I keep thinking I'm a grownup, but I'm not.
