
For the new DC Cinematic Universe?

"A film is never really any good unless the camera is an eye in the head of a poet."


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I could see him as Bruce Wayne.

"Visions are worth fighting for. Why spend your life making someone else's dreams?"


I think Superdan might be a little on the psychic side. Either that, or he's got insider info from the Nolan camp. Maybe not. But still pretty cool that he called the Wes Bentley/ Christopher Nolan connection two days before it was announced. So, Superdan, who do you see as Wonderwoman?

"Visions are worth fighting for. Why spend your life making someone else's dreams?"


hes going to be a top contender for the role. looks wise he is the closest out of everyone, and acting wise he plays dark characters and is a fit. height is decent enough at 5'11 and age is 35 which is perfect


He's fit?????

Compared to who exactly a regular fat joe?

I have zero interest in this actor, he was in Hirokin one of the worst movie i've ever seen.

"Wait!" "Worry" "Who Cares?"


Wonder Woman is the hardest to cast but Terry Farrell would have been epic back in the day :)

I will put these picks for my perfect cast:

Idris Elba - Green Lantern
Bradley Cooper - The Flash
Daniel Day-Lewis - Lex
Olivia Wilde - Catwoman
Bryan Cranston - Commissioner Gordon
Amanda Seyfried - Harley Quinn
Toby Jones - Penguin
Paul Sparks - Joker
Benedict Cumberbatch - Brainiac


bryan cranston for Lex Luthor Please
