Atheist *beep*

Why would Hollywood allow an atheist to direct a well known biblical story? Knowing he would change so much in the story and deceiving so many people. Wow, the nerve!


Ridley Scott is an atheist as well and he's directing the upcoming Exodus film. Can't wait to see how people flip their sh!t over that one later this year.


Wow. :(


Always funny to see butthurt oh-so-sensitive christians get their panties in a twist. Aronofsky can do whatever he likes, the bible's just a silly book filled with fairytales anyway.

"I like them French fried potaters" - Karl Childers


Don't get mad cause you don't know how to read books. Lol The bible is the truth, and it is truly disrespectful for an atheist to mess around with something he has no business messing with and altering the truth.

You have a lot to learn. Lol


The bible is fiction. It was written by man and used to manipulate the masses. And it seems it has manipulated you. Christians need to get their heads out of the sand. YOU have a lot to learn about life and the world.


LOL!!! You're truly lost. I know God exist, he has delivered me from the craziness I used to be involved with. The bible is the book of truth, you're letting society manipulate you. You're letting the devil guide you in the wrong direction. The bible is powerful, unlike the Quran and Torah.


Translation: "I'm a brainwashed fool".

"I like them French fried potaters" - Karl Childers


You're the one letting the devil manipulate you. Lol
