American Horror Story

I must be blind, or too drunk, and the latter is more likely yet somehow not quite true so..

but who was Steph in Halloween?

Perhaps it was gay Syler that confused me - till I read he was actually out of the closet now - but me being not gay, how could I miss the sweet goddess that is Alessandra?

I know, I will watch it again. But she must have either been one of the side cast wearing a mask or somehow the gayness of Spock turned me momentarily off the ladies... nawww, even if that could happen, I'll happily bat for both teams, but.. somehow I'm confused.

Hrmm... maybe I should masturbate less.

Oo -- now that's a stupid thing to consider..

-- Do unto others before they do unto you.


don't recall seeing her in part 1 either


I'm watching Halloween: Part 2. I believe she's the goth girl in the group of dead teens. True?


Yes the goth chick, that was Alessandra!

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...
