MovieChat Forums > Alessandra Torresani Discussion > Drop-dead gorgeous Alessandra

Drop-dead gorgeous Alessandra

Can't say I am a Syfy-Fan, but Alessandra is so fit,

I never miss an episode.

Hope the storyline focuses even more on her. Absolutely love it.


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she's beautiful

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


Totally beautiful theres no doubt.X


hot as 5h1t

Paul W.S. Anderson raping franchises since 1994


Shes definitely the HOTNESS!!

"A commitment to cinema means to lead a technically deviant lifestyle."


I think she's a beautiful young lady and she's from Palo Alto my home town. I always watch Caprica to support her. She's very fit and very pretty.

Didn't realize she is a natural blonde.

Good thoughts go to her. Hope she gets tons of work and good things come her way.


To each their own, I think she is Hot, in Most of the Caprica Eps, but not all. I am just sorta high side of Borderline :P

But you could have stopped at just saying a 6. Seriously, if you are a 6 yourself, I am sure there are those that would say you are a 3.

Don't Criticize. When you do, others will criticize you too !

Me Mum teached me to spoke out lawd


When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...
