MovieChat Forums > Kevin Smith Discussion > Horrible director that gets work due to ...

Horrible director that gets work due to being friends with Ben and Matt.

There's no other reason this guy continues to make films other than that he's friends with some of the most famous actors today. Same reason Eli Roth continues to make films. Being friends with someone like Tarantino is more useful than actually having talent.


Kevin hasn't spoke to ben affleck in years and still hasn't even confirmed him for the mallrats sequel. At least that's what kevin says on his podcasts, he and Scott mosier did produce good will hunting wich was a oscar winning film. But that was a producing credit 20 years ago wich holds about as much weight in hollywood as I have. Eli roth and kevin smith keep making movies because they know their target audience and they make their product accordingly. Eli roth has been making classic European horror fans happy for years and continues to do so. Kevin smith on the other hand got tired of the same old stuff he was doing and has been trying new things for the last decade. I'm a little bias because I am a fan of both but you can't knock the man for trying?


I probably won't pay attention to him if it wasn't for Ben and Matt. LOL


Kevin Smith is getting his stories wrong then. Kevin was actually able to view Ben Affleck in the batsuit in person before the public saw he first pictures. He is quoted as saying that he wanted to hug Zach Snyder because of how awesome the suit looked. And being friends with Matt and Ben creates a lot of other connections in Hollywood. It doesn't matter if he doesn't talk to them on a regular. Let's be honest, if Kevin was any other director, the dude would have been relegated to directing laxative commercials.


Ha. Hilarious considering people used to say Ben and Matt only got work because they were friends with Kevin Smith first. Some even claiming Smith wrote Good Will Hunting. Guess you guys just can't get your stories straight.

Let's be bad guys.


Nope, kevin only saw pictures of affleck in the suit. Not in person. Check out "smodcast" or "fatman on batman" around that time. Affleck is still the only original cast member of mallrats that has not signed on for the sequel. Nice try but they haven't spoke in years. Last time being when affleck emailed him about Argo (being affleck used melissa Leo and John goodman in that film and they were also in red state).at least that's what kevin has been saying. I still think it's hard to ride something out in hollywood for 20 years. Like I said he only had a producing credit like 20 years ago. And there's no *beep* way he wrote good will hunting, that's a hollywood urban legend supposedly


I was just going to say that. I think one of the two said that without Chasing Amy, Good Will Hunting wouldn't have gotten made.

Bring Jeff Lemire back to Green Arrow


William Goldman wrote Good Will Hunting, he pokes fun at this in his books.


what happened between Smith and Affleck?

They seemed like best friends for years

Smith gets a unfair amount of hate. The guy can't win.

He does something different like Red State. He gets slammed

He wants to do a Clerks 3. It's because he's a one trick pony
