MovieChat Forums > Emmy Rossum Discussion > Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady Revival

Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady Revival

So Clive Davis has talked about wanting to launch a revival of My Fair Lady on Broadway and he says his first choice for Eliza is Anne Hathaway. I hate to keep linking these two actresses together but I would pick Emmy before Anne. She played young Audrey Hepburn, sang at the Met as a child, and did Phantom. I think that makes her a little more qualified than Anne, who I only think is getting all the hype right now (very justifiably) because of LesMiz. Roger Ebert even said of Emmy in his review of Phantom "What an Eliza Doolittle she might make." I hope Emmy is at least taken into consideration and lobbies for the part herself.


I think that Emmy would be fine for Eliza in a movie.

In terms of a stage revival I have the same concern with her casting that I do if Anne Hathaway were to do it; vocally the role is a killer. The first act is belting, cockney wailling, and shouting. Then Eliza is expected to sing in a beautiful legit soprano voice. Doing that for eight shows a week for a prolonged period of time is hell on the voice. Even for an experienced stage performer. Julie Andrews had major vocal problems when she played the role on Broadway. In the 2001 London revival Martine McCutcheon missed many performances and eventually left early due to throat problems. Melissa Errico, who did a Broadway revival had difficulty as well. Having an actress who isn't used to playing rigorous roles on stage could be asking for trouble in that regard. I wouldn't want to see Emmy (or Anne) do permanant damage trying sing that part night after night.

Emmy also has the additional difficulty of being locked into a TV series at the moment. Shameless usually shoots for 5-6 monthes a year. Most Broadway contracts don't accomodate that, unless it's a limited run.
