MovieChat Forums > Emmy Rossum Discussion > Shameless has hurt her image as much if ...

Shameless has hurt her image as much if not more than helped

Shes on a show thats getting renewed a few times so people like the show and thats good for her BUT
All the nude scenes and other R-rated stuff destroys her image as the pretty opera singer who does movies too, while doing a nude scene first time to get a big named movie with a big named star would have been a strong option before but having so many nude scenes Shameless really devalues any nude scene she might do. Other than being seen as big name cable channel actor and getting a salary I just dont see its long term benefits....oh well, shes so hot!

PS beautiful creatures looks like a lame try to get the twilight crowd.


All the nude scenes and other R-rated stuff destroys her image as the pretty opera singer who does movies too
Well, she's not an opera singer, so she shouldn't have that image. She's an actress who can sing, yes. But her voice works for genres like pop, folk, standards, light musical theater.... Not opera. Yes I'm aware that she sang with the Children's Chorus at the Metropolitan Opera for 6-7 years. That's an impressive gig, don't get me wrong, and she's clearly learned to sing. But it doesn't mean that she's been through the years of rigorous training that being an opera singer requires. That's something that she readily admits.

Other than being seen as big name cable channel actor and getting a salary I just dont see its long term benefitsHow about the fact that show has proved that she can handle a complex, multilayered character? Prior to Shameless people saw Emmy as an ingenue. A princessy, good girl type. Shameless proved that she could handle something against type; something more raw and gritty. More than that, the show has given her a chance to display her chops in comedy and drama. It's given her a chance to lead an ensemble of talented and respected actors like William H Macy and Joan Cusack.

PS beautiful creatures looks like a lame try to get the twilight crowd.
Perhaps, but if it's a hit that's nothing but good for her career. And costarring with the likes of Emma Thompson, Jeremy Irons, Viola Davis, and Eileen Atkins puts her in very elite company. Her other upcoming project, You're Not You looks like it could be a nice display of dramatic chops

Basically I could see your point if all she were doing on Shameless was running around naked in front of a camera for an hour each week. But she's not. She's giving a strong performance in a great role. Yes it sometimes involves a little nudity, but that nudity is usually in keeping with the tone of the show and the scene. Avoiding it would draw more attention in this show because it would come off as rather coy.


I definitely agree, there is no way "Shameless" hurts Emmy's image or career. She is an elite talent in comparison to other actresses her age. Her work on the series only shows off her considerable range.

I'm not a huge fan of "Shameless", as it clearly tries too hard to be another "Weeds". Emmy Rossum is really the only reason to watch, and not because of her nude scenes. I'm a big fan of William H Macy as well, but I'm getting a little tired of seeing him in the same type roles over and over again. The series is getting to be cliche, and I doubt it goes on for more than a season or two.

I think, going forward, that Emmy Rossum will be in high demand for top roles. I think she will be one of the few actors that can write their own ticket, so to speak. That's how talented she is.


Emmy Rossum is just another HBO/Showtime/Starz tits and ass type of "actress" whose main job is to appear nude time after time in increasingly more and more gratuitous nudes scenes scenes because producers of these "softcore disguised as a something else" shows tries to increase their ratings with titillation.

Elite talent, serious, credible actresses don't even consider these kind of softcore roles.
Elite talent, serious, credible actresses also don't defend their gratuitous nude scenes with lame excuses.


Wake up, the paradigm has changed. Emmy Rossum is an elite talent, she has performed operas in five languages. What are you, a prude from the 1950s? Doing nude scenes kills your career? I could list tons of top-notch actresses that have done nude scenes. We no longer live in the 50s.


Take your prude card and stick it in your a*s. Emmy Rossum is not elite talent or credible actress. She can perform operas in 34 languages but her nude scenes are still needless.
Someone like Cate Blanchett in her 20's would not have even consider doing a tits and ass role like this.
Sometimes nude scenes are at least justified but most Shameless scenes are not.

Emmy Rossum lacks talent,credibility and class which is the reason she and others like her are doing these HBO/Showtime/Starz cable tv-series tits and ass roles.

Doing gratuitous nude scenes (and defending them as pathetic excuses as Rossum has done)time after time kills actors credibility.


History will prove you wrong dip *beep* I'm truly sorry you are offended by nudity, it must be very difficult for you.


Someone like Cate Blanchett in her 20's would not have even consider doing a tits and ass role like this.
Sometimes nude scenes are at least justified but most Shameless scenes are not.
Cate Blanchett had a brief nude scene in Elizabeth, which was made when she was 29.
Other actresses who did nudity in their 20's:
Kate Winslet, Anne Hathaway, Claire Danes, Meryl Streep, Nicole Kidman, Mary Louise Parker (who does far more graphic nudes scenes on Weeds), Naomi Watts.

I agree that some of the nudity in Shameless is gratutitous. But it's keeping with the tone of the show: raw, no holds barred, and sometimes ranchy. To have Fiona constastantly covered wouldn't be keeping with that tone or the character: it could come off as coy and/or jarring. And the role isn't a "tits and ass" role, which is what most people here seem to be ignoring. It's a lead role on an acclaimed network show. It's a rich, nuanced character that combines comedy and drama. She's briefly nude occasionally, and I don't think she's ever done full frontal.


oddly off topic- what was claire danes naked in?
