MovieChat Forums > Shannon Elizabeth Discussion > Night of the Demons remake...

Night of the Demons remake...

Firstly, the remake should NOT even be happening.

You never touch the classics, damn it why can't people understand that?

No one has any original ideas anymore, so they think "Hey, lets get a bunch of tits and ass and make a remake!"

Also, I refuse to support any Shannon Elizabeth project after having the unfortunate chance to meet her. First impressions really ARE everything and the only way I could describe her is as a snotty *beep*

She is rude to fans and non-fans alike, and should not be in this film.


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I just think that people run out of ideas so they just make remakes. It'll be interesting to see the remake though. So i know that whoever posted this is going to be the first one in line to see


She doesn't even look like the Angela in the original.

Angela shouldn't be some dumb older tan party girl.


Well, the movie wasn't that OP wins.
