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CONFIRMED BY JJ ABRAMS - John Williams will return for Episode VII

CinemaBlend points us to a Star Trek Into Darkness press conference in Berlin, where director J.J. Abrams expressed support for the idea of veteran Star Wars composer John Williams returning to the conductor's stand for a little sequel project that Mr. Abrams will soon be directing. "For Star Wars," Abrams said, "it's very early days ... but I believe that ... John Williams will be doing that film, because apparently he was there long before I was." Check out the press conference video below. Abrams' comments about Williams occur at 8:14.


Great news. I hope his health stays good. Reality is he's an elderly man.


In my opinion he is the one single element that Star Wars would not truly be Star Wars without. The rest of the cast and crew can be replaced and it would still be Star Wars. Without Johnny Williams, it ain't Star Wars. I wish the prospective crew all the best with the new films. I will definitely check them out, but the franchise will lose the best part of itself when Williams is no longer scoring it.
