Man of Steel

I recently watched Man of Steel for the 3rd and i have to say it just wasn't the same without the original Superman theme.

I remember as a kid watching Superman for the first time and knowing the theme every time i heard it anywhere and knew it in my head if i was to play super heros with my cousins/friends.

The man of steel theme i honestly still don't remember what it sounds like at all after a 3rd watch just the other day. The only thing i do remember is watching and thinking ok now they are going to play it (Williams theme) forgetting that the prior 2 times watching it did not have the original theme in it.

I was waiting and waiting for the theme to finally play in a fight or powerful moment in the movie and well i waited and was never to hear it and imo it was something really missing from the movie.

OK so i went to youtube and listened to the Man of Steel theme before clicking post and i just can't believe that there are comments saying things like it was so powerful, a much needed change, as memorable as the original, really???? There was no point in that theme that got me pumped feeling yeah Superman is now going to kick ass or got me really feeling that empowered feeling you get from Williams version.

I think if they really wanted to make it newer they could have stuck with the original but just revamped it but sticking with the overall sound that Williams created.

Did anyone else feel like this watching Man OF Steel?

"It's game over man, it's game over!!!"


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Superman's theme is too good for a Zack Snyder film. I'm glad it wasn't ruined by association.


Honestly no. Wiliams' superman theme is fine for his superman movies. I never felt Man of Steel needed that.


Absolutely. Imagine a James Bond movie without the Bond theme or an Inspector Closseau movie without the Pink Panther theme. Going without Williams' theme was another in a long line of stupid decisions Zack Snyder made about his Superman movies. That is Superman's theme, period, and anything else is just a poor replacement.
