MovieChat Forums > Will Ferrell Discussion > This guy is not funny,

This guy is not funny,

He sucks. his movies suck. He is annoying, period. I hate his smug ass looking idiot face.

Just wanted to express my thoughts on this d-bag. Reply all butt hurt and defend him, or don't. Agree with me, I don't care.


Depends what character he plays, I find him funny in ancorman and elf but some other movies he been in, not so much


I find him to be more of an unabashed ham than a comedian: "Look at me!" He seems desperate for attention, case in point being that spring training baseball stunt a few years ago where he played for several teams in one day.




AGREED! AGREED! AGREED! Have watched SNL Gee!!! What is funny about it? Give me a British or Aussie comedy any day.


Lol. Ya
