MovieChat Forums > Will Ferrell Discussion > Another victim of the PC police

Another victim of the PC police

For God's sake. People have moved from being outraged by movies they haven't seen to being outraged by movies that haven't been made.

If Facebook and Twitter had existed in the 80's and 90's I guarantee Rain Man and Forrest Gump couldn't have been made. "Tom Hanks will be starring in a comedy about a mentally challenged man? Shame on you, Tom Hanks! What were you thinking!??". Instead the movies got made and both won Best Picture.

Depicting a condition and demeaning that condition are NOT necessarily the same thing. Even movies with a lot of comedy--as both Rain Man and Forrest Gump have. People now are too shallow, too knee jerk, too prone to playing the moral policeman to see that distinction.

As it is, the Reagan movie was apparently far more of a political satire than anything else---not unlike Farrell's satirical depiction of George W. Bush. There seems to be no evidence whatsoever that it was trying to make fun of Alzheimer's disease itself.

But we'll never know because we live in a second Victorian Age. All of our entertainment can't even be misperceived as offensive by the rabble. So bland and inoffensive we have it.


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That was to speeder...


Welcome to 2016 :( , imagine what ten even five more years may bring


Sorry, but we know how hateful and ugly the Left is today, and we don't trust them to be decent people with a subject like this.


And if you're really upset about attacks on free expression and being intimidated, as yourself who riots when a speaker they don't like is going to appear on campus, who shouts down people they hate, who enacts speech codes to punish those who express ideas they don't want heard?

The Left wrote a movie about assassinating George W. Bush, but if you call to light the failures and lies of Obama you're a racist.

Leftist philosophy and policies deny both human nature and reality


People are missing the forest through the trees. This isn't a left vs. right issue. Both sides are guilty at times. It's the willingness to prioritize not risking offending someone--even if they misperceive what you mean--over the 1st Amendment.


It is very sad that an actor had to drop out of a movie because public pressure forced him to.


My good sir, I so, so, SO agree with you! Thank you!


I'm prepared to see it before I criticize (although due to the backlash, it might be that nobody ever gets a chance to see it). It sounds like a difficult subject to make funny and not malicious - but that doesn't mean that it's IMPOSSIBLE to achieve those things.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"
