She Still Has IT

As I watched Law and Order tonight I was stunned! Who did I see? None other than the lovely lady herself, Leslie Caron! I cried. What a treat to see her again! The emotion she put into the role was over the top. Truely she is still a quality actress. I do hope she is planning to do more on screen. Thank you Leslie, I loved every bit of your perfomance!


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Dee you are so right Leslie Caron is a treasure. I honor her so much today for her acting and dancing. I remember her in An American in Paris (1951) she was so graceful. Her costumes were colorful and beautiful. Thank you Dee for the salute of Leslie Caron.



Caron rocks my world. i saw her on Gigi, wow!!!! she's the one of the most beautiful and talent of all time. Everybody Loves Leslie. :)


You can say that again!



I just logged on to see if she was, as I suspected, the brilliant actress who did that role. I was watching the repeat.


Brilliant! Depth, humor, compassion, and, may I mention about a lady old enough to be my grandmother, sexiness.

Not a wasted movement. Okay, they can edit that out, but they can't edit in depth!



She was fantastic on Law & Order! Leslie's acting gave me goosebumps. Those scenes when her character was speaking French to Detective Dani Beck, her testimony in court and that final scene outside of the courtroom (giving advice to the rape victim to move forward and not let it shut her down like she did for decades, saying goodbye) were so well written, directed and acted! It felt very real. Before testifying her demeanor was very withdrawn. At the very end she had held her head up high and looked invigorated with a newfound strength. And she looked radiant. When she said goodbye and walked off, they all looked on at her with awe. And so did I! Bravo! I hope she wins the Emmy and that we see more great work from her.


She won?! AWESOME!!!
