MovieChat Forums > Christie Brinkley Discussion > Comes across poorly in Today interview.

Comes across poorly in Today interview.

I didn't even know anything about her marriage problems and really don't know much about her other than seeing her on the Total Gym infomercials.
She should have said that she wasn't going to discuss her personal life and left it at that. I thought she sounded extremely vindictive and childish and as what's-his-name mentioned, what about her kids and how this affects them?


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She lost the publicity war a few weeks ago when her ex was on lots of TV shows.

At that point she came across VERY badly - and I don't think she can recover from that.

And she looked unrecognizable with her facial pastic surgery.


I'm sure you could watch the actual interview yourself if you do a google search for her name, the name of the tv show and "video"


Those who have previously listened to a bunch of interviews with her ex might see the same interview and view it in a more negative light. They would approach the interview and already see her as a spoiled hollywood rich b.... who couldn't get 5 marriages right - and almost anything she says will come across as denying responsibility for HER part in the marriage failure.

It's often the case that people will sympathize with the the person who comes out with their story first - and then their opponent may always be playing catch-up and be on the defensive. That's why public relations companies want to get the message of their side out first and establish the issues that their opponent is going to have to counter. And the worst is if you take your opponents strengths, and lie and protray them as some sort of scandal or weakness - and then the person is screwed (Like John Kerry - and the lies that he wasn't a war hero and slander him to say there was some non-existent scandal - when there wasn't - al a Swift Boat.)

I mean, as an example that would make you shake in your boots - can you imagine if you turned on your TV to see your ex, or someone you were accused of sexually harrassing doing a press conference with Gloria Allred speaking to ALL the major news stations. At that point you might as well roll over and play dead. You are DONE.
