MovieChat Forums > Catherine Zeta-Jones Discussion > Why??? Please, serious discussion ...

Why??? Please, serious discussion ...

I posted the same thread on Michael Douglas's board, too...

I've always loved Michael Douglas. I'm also a big fan of Catherine Zeta-Jones. I can't for the life of me understand why he would come forward in an interview with a British tabloid and declare that he contracted his cancer from HPV during oral sex. There is absolutely no scenario in that admission that could possibly be good for his marriage.

I can only think of three ways he could have contracted it, 1.) from a past relationship before his marriage to CZJ (thereby possibly exposing her to the virus), 2.) by cheating on her during their marriage, or 3.) from CZJ herself. None of those scenarios are any of our business, they all make him look bad, and publicizing it like that while she's struggling to overcome her own mental issues is unforgivable. How could he do that to her (and to their children)? Even if she was completely healthy, by making that admission he has inextricably linked both of their images to this story much like Tom Cruise and Mel Gibson are now linked to bizarre behavior.

I hope that both of them are able to fully combat their illnesses, and also that they're able to get past this way-too-public revelation.


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It's the kind of comment made by someone who is angry . You don't do a PSA for something like that and destroy the person you are making it about, unless you're really mad / fed-up with them.

He doesn't want to paint himself in a poor light, so of course he's not going to make it like it's option 2, and if it were option 1, he would have emphasized that point. That only leaves option 3, and, like I said, you don't make a statement like he did unless you are feeling a ton of pent up rage at the other person.

Brains are good, especially when sauteed with carmelized onions.


That's pretty much what I was thinking too, joe33067. But what a scorched-earth way of venting to the world. Once he puts something like that out there, it's not like he can take it back again. It's out there forever now. As far as I'm concerned, he painted himself in a poor light by making those statements. As much as he may have damaged her image, as far as I'm concerned he's damaged his own in the process, too, especially since she's checked herself into a clinic in an effort to try to get well.


I agree. Celebrities are so full of self-importance that they often do not stop to think before they say something.

However, in a way, it is a good thing because it gets people thinking about HPV and its risks. It is incredibly common because it can be spread by any skin-to-skin contact and condoms often do not help prevent the spread of it. Many people do not know they have it because symptoms never manifest, and they pass it along unknowingly. Statistics say that 80% of sexually active people will come in contact with at least one strain of the virus in their lifetime. That is a HUGE number, and people should be concerned about it. Developing cancer from HPV is rare, but it is possible, so people should be aware of that.

As for Michael Douglas, it could take years for HPV to develop into cancer, so it is highly likely he contracted it way back in the day and never knew he had it. He could have given it to Catherine to begin with. Unless one of the partners in a relationship was a virgin going in, there is really no way to tell who gave it to who because it could take anywhere from a couple of months to several years for symptoms to show up, if they ever do at all.


I can't stand either of them, particularly CZJ. However, I am surprised that he stuck his foot in it in such a big way with that comment. I AM surprised that she hasn't filed divorce over his comment. It was pretty much out of left field, and COMPLETELY inappropriate. Way the hell too much information.

The fact that she doesn't file divorce pretty much proves that she's far more interested in keeping her ten, co-owned houses/mansions with Michael than retaining any semblance of dignity and self-respect.


mmitsos is an idiot, but is something we've all known for years.

I will never forget you, rural juror.


He's been to rehab for sex addiction multiple times....he's just one step above Charlie Sheen.

I'm sure he was fully loaded for every STD known to man by the time he was 24 or so.
