Rubbish films

How on earth do they keep getting funding to produce some of THE most excorable films ever made? It baffles me as to how a family so bereft of talent can still get films produced one turkey after another. Is it because they are black and the Hollywood community wants to be seen to be proactive? I'm at a total loss as to who thinks his films are actually worth watching.


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Read carefully, if you think their movies are funded because they are black then you really need to wake up, their films are funded because they make hundreds of millions of dollars.


no they don't their films are unmitigated disasters both finacially, artistically and critically! they are panned and do NOT make hundreds of millions of dollars. so try again. it's because they are black and hollywood need to be seen as proactive. Not racist - FACT


The family have been around for over 20 years and still making stuff, so they are doing something right.

Its that man again!!
