Cosby defender.

Damon Wayans has defended Cos on a radio show, claiming that some women are "un-rape-able".

Mr. Wayans' opinions are garbage from an ignorant and/or uncaring mind.


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Are these defender people retards. The guy already admitted to basically raping some of them. Funny how both Damon and Whoopie are black though. Their both racists themselves.


I think Whoopi backtracked, though, didn't she, when she realized there was no way the victims would ever get their day in court?

But yeah, this guy's a piece of s**t. I feel sorry for his son, who is going to end up getting blowback for his dad's dumb comments, since most people can't keep them straight and Damon, Jr. is the one who still has a career.


Defending him is one thing, after all a lot of these celebrities and athletes who get accused of rape have fans who defend them but claiming some women are unrapeable is just nutty!

"I'd rather lose for what I am than win for what I ain't"

Kacey Musgraves "Pageant Material"


He's just a has-been POS that needs publicity somehow to stay relevant.


I can't believe what he said in that interview.

He specifically mentioned that he would kill Cosby if his daughter had accused him of rape. WHY, DAMON? I thought you said Cosby didn't rape those women. So then why would you kill an innocent man?

What a piece of *beep*


Not defending Wayans or Cosby but as for the athletes there have been several who have been falsely accused/ convicted Brian Banks, The Duke Lacrosse Players and Marcus Dixon to name a few. Brian Dixon served 6 1/2 years lost his education/career same for Marcus Dixon he was sentenced to 15 years.


I think Damon Wayans has about as many brain cells in his skull as he has hair follicles on the top of his "slightly" Herman Munster-like head.
