MovieChat Forums > Robert Wagner Discussion > Tried and convicted

Tried and convicted

I love how the media and douchebags on here have already tried and convicted him for killing Natalie Wood. So much for innocent until proven guilty or even proof beyong a reasonable doubt. Heck lets just skip the investigation, skip the trial and go straight to execution.


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It is remarkable how many people here seem to have inside information on the case, isn't it?

Ah well, that whole innocent until proven guilty thing was getting so old anyway, wasn't it?


Well isn't that what the 24 hour news media is for, to fill our minds with any and all up-to-date information that usually turns out wrong.

How many news outlets jump on a story which they then have to correct or alter, sometimes its small details and sometimes its big stuff.

Studies show that once wrong information is repeated a few times, people rarely believe the corrections.
There’s no one on IMDB I care enough for to use spell check- suck it grammar Nazis


Actually, Wagner's original story about the night Natalie died has been proven to be full of holes, not the other way around.

It's also not unusual for there to be cover-ups, for a person to escape prison time or punishment, or even go free where crimes are concerned when wealth and fame are involved.

Look at OJ Simpson. He escaped conviction for the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman, but later was found liable in a civil suit for their wrongful deaths. 'Nuff said.


You have to admit there sure is a lot of smoke. I mean, at the very least he was drunk and was fighting with her. People act like that's some sort of normal thing. I see it as a weird psychosis. I couldn't in a million years be married to a woman, be on a boat with her on a romantic evening, and get drunk and fight with her, AND fight with my friend who's also onboard. You'd have to be a lunatic. Happy people get even happier when they drink. Angry people get angrier. It just brings out whatever is inside.

Then she ends up drowning. You have a captain who's been tortured by this for many years, claiming that there was a cover up. You have the sister you has received calls from this captain for many years, with him sobbing on the other line. You have a person on another boat who heard someone crying for help for a long time. Christopher Walken never said a word about this except in one interview where he gave the exact same account that Wagner did in his book, practically word-for-word. A lot of celebrities are notoriously wacked out of their skulls and think they can get away with everything. It's just a suspicious event.


You have a person on another boat who heard someone crying for help for a long time.

Sorry but as soon as you look at that woman's testimony it falls apart. She heard a woman drowning for 15 minutes (Wood would have drowned way before then for lack of swim experience and heavy coat). The Coast Guard "conviently" never picked up and the sheriff's office never sent a helicoper like they said they did. She and her family turned on the spotlight and then gave up. They NEVER yelled back to the woman (that's the first thing anyone would do- "I'm drowning, help!" "Where are you! We're coming!"). They went back to bed even though the helicoper never came. AND she was able to hear from 40 yards away, with the woman slashing, a man "slur" his words and say "we're coming to get you." PLEASE you can barely understand what a drunk is saying when they are right next to you.

There’s no one on IMDB I care enough for to use spell check- suck it grammar Nazis


Don't wear your tinfoil hat while using the microwave.
