What if Wagner actually caught Wood and Walken having sex? Might this have given Walken enough reason to keep whatever he knew quiet? Captain says Natalie, then Walken retired for the evening? Or, is that one of the several details that changes every time the story is told? Hmm.. The whole thing just sounds so suspicious.. I can't believe it was just swept under the rug so quickly, and for so many years. I truly hope Wagner didn't do it, but damn.. everything based in common sense seems to say otherwise.


There's been no real updates on the case since the latter part of November. Somewhat suggests to me that the fan frenzy over the idea Wagner killed her is probably seriously misplaced, as I'd be willing to bet there'd be news aired about it if there'd been anything unearthed pointing to this (Wagner's involvement), even if the 'news' were just an unreliable leak. I have the strong feeling the police are going to conclude there's no new evidence, beyond what they found 30 years ago, and will allow the case to quietly sink back into well-deserved oblivion.

Wood died in a sad, probably unpreventable (under the circumstances) accident. No one murdered her, and the ghouls that are continuing to salivate over this unfortunate event well beyond its sell-by date should just leave it alone and turn their hyperactive fantasizings to something else.


What is "CITA" ?


Caught In The Act

"It's a hard country, kid."
