MovieChat Forums > Lana Turner Discussion > Great Lady has An Interview

Great Lady has An Interview

TCM had this short on earlier today. I've seen it a bunch of times but I want to know if anyone knows who one of the "reporters" was.

I don't know where this short came from but Lana has dark hair and is some great movie star that 4 men come to interview. The reporters are Robert Evans, Steve Forrest, Richard Anderson and some guy whose name I can't place. In the short they do a production number about Madame Cremator (spelling) who invented the safety pin. It's been driving me crazy for years.


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Close. It is the Madame Crematon number from Ed Sullivan's Toast on The Town. I think you might be referring to Edmund Purdon, who appeared with La Turner on The Prodigal. Hope this helps.


I think I have a general idea what Purdom looks like and I don't think it's him. But it could be--who knows.

ETA: I looked at the cover of The Student Prince DVD on here and it's definitely not him. The guy I'm looking for was younger and blonde. Oh well--maybe someone else will see this and come up with an idea. He kinda looks like Robert Francis only with squintier eyes.


Robert Evans is NOT there; he didn't go to Hollywood until 1957. The reporters are (left to right) Edmund Purdom, Richard Anderson, Steve Forrest, and John Ericson. This number was first done by Judy Garland in the 1946 movie "Ziegfeld Follies". The great lady being spoofed was Greer Garson.

"Don't worry. I'm not on the side of the saints yet."


Thank you. After I made the original post I thought that maybe I was mistaking Evans for Purdom. But John Ericson is the one who I've been trying to figure out. YAY, you!!


You're very welcome!

"Don't worry. I'm not on the side of the saints yet."


