Falcon Crest

Remember when she guest starred for 5 episodes from 1981-1983 as Jaqueline Perrolt? Too bad she didn't last long.

If Jane Wyman didn't like her, why did she let them cast LT in the first place?


Wyman objected to her ''Diva'' behavior on the set of the show. By most accounts, Wyman (like Barbara Stanwyck) was a professional, down to earth, working actress. She did right when she had Turner fired.


Wyman objected to her ''Diva'' behavior on the set of the show. By most accounts, Wyman (like Barbara Stanwyck) was a professional, down to earth, working actress. She did right when she had Turner fired.

Lana actually screamed "I derserved to be fired!" and threw herself onto the termination slip.


