MovieChat Forums > Lana Turner Discussion > 7 Husbands??? WTF, was her problem?

7 Husbands??? WTF, was her problem?

There was obviously something wrong with this woman. No woman who is right in the mind would go through so many husbands. There was something obviously off about her, or she just chose *beep* husbands.

Who the hell would want to date a woman knowing she was divorced 6 times? I know I wouldn't, no matter how attractive she was. That is a red flag if I've ever seen one.


Turner lived during the era of fake morality. Couples weren't suppose to have sex or live together before marriage so the people that could (ie rich people) married and divorced multiple times. No, I'm not condoning or defending her, just explaing.

I just finished Turner's autobiography and she admitted she wouldn't have married as much had she lived with her husbands before marriage. She also claimed she was "implusive" and fell in love quickly. I think she was the kind of woman who thought she needed a man constantly but got bored easily.


I think she said it best (from the IMDB quotes):

"The truth is, sex doesn't mean that much to me now. It never did, really. It was romance I wanted, kisses and candlelight, that sort of thing. I never did dig sex very much." "I find men terribly exciting, and any girl who says she doesn't is an anemic old maid, a streetwalker, or a saint." and "A successful man is one who makes more money than a wife can spend. A successful woman is one who can find such a man."

So, it sounds as if she was aggressive with men, wanted to be wined, dined and showered with possessions, but didn't "dig" sex. Plus, she was a raving alcoholic and smoked like a chimney. Sounds like quite a piece of work.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.


She and also Much- Married Mickey Rooney would have made quite a pair.


In his autobiography, Rooney claimed they had an affair and she got pregnant but had an abortion. According to Cheryl Crane, Turner was pissed about the claim and wanted to sue Rooney but didn't want to bring more attention to it because she said it didn't happen.


I'd take anything Mickey says with a grain of salt. He also says he discovered and Named Marilyn Monroe.


Mickey Rooney is a munchkin. Although Lana Turner made consistently bad choices in husbands (or boyfriends, like Johnny Stompanato), she a least chose good looking consorts. I don't think she'd have been much interested in Rooney, except perhaps as a friend.


She found having sex easier than kissing...
Meaning,kissing was more intimate


That's a gloss-over.
..she sounded flakey and shallow
