MovieChat Forums > Lana Turner Discussion > A full blooded porn star

A full blooded porn star

I mean come on people. 2 abortions and 3 still borns... that are known. How many husbands? All the fans talking about the glamour and whatever it is. She was what she was. I'm not going to bash her, but in all honesty, she seems like nothing but a crazy nymphomaniac. Interesting for sure, but all in all just a big sex freak.


You must be lots of fun at parties.


The times and medicine were very different. Maybe she wanted children very badly and was willing to sacrifice her health for the chance to have children. This was also long before reliable birth control. I don't see how anyone with the LEAST amount of intelligence can jump to porn star from dead babies.


Turner also had RH incompatibility, which is a big factor as to why only one of her children survived. Her first miscarriage was with her third husband, Bob Topping, the other two with her fourth, Lex Barker. And had to have a hysterectomy in the late 50s.

Lana Turner lived in an era where living with a significant other before marriage was frowned upon, stars had morality clauses in their contracts, etc.

Porn has nothing do with it.


I'm not a huge fan of her's...but I think her mom and the dad-to-be pressured her into getting the first abortion, saying it would ruin her career.

She grew up dirt poor, and she was cresting and able to support herself and her single mom for the first time. It's understandable why she bent to their wishes.


"I'm not going to bash her,'s a list of reasons why she sucks"? Nymphomaniac? She's gone on record several times on the subject of sex and how she didn't like it nearly as much as romance.


To the Original Poster:
So, if she is a nymphomaniac, what are all the guys who slept with her? Studs?
He-Men? Men About Town?
The woman is always the town whore for participating in "the act" and the man is revered.
Case in point: Hollywood alum Loretta Young has been call a hypocrite, slut, and every other name for having had a child out of wedlock. Anything said about the father, Clark Gable? No.
At least she raised the child, and he had nothing to do with her (from what I have read, and that written by the daughter herself).
I hope Lana bonged every guy in Hollywood if she wanted...and enjoyed every hot, steamy, sweaty, passionate thrust of it!!!


I don't blame Lana. It was her background. Her mother had Lana when she was 16 and they were dirt poor with no father. Thats quite trashy even by today's standards. Lana liked to nightclub and party and sleep with loads of guys. Like most young girls she loved the attention. In today's society she may have had four kids by different fathers instead of dozens of abortions.

A lot of these golden age of Hollywood movie stars were just pretty uneducated girls from poor backgrounds that were picked to sleep with fat old Jewish film moguls in exchange for film work. That's how the Hollywood studio system worked. It's not suprising how a lot of these women later fell into alcoholism. Ava Gardner was the same: A lifetime of cocktails, cigarettes & cocks. She looked worn out when she died at 67.


A lot of these golden age of Hollywood movie stars were just pretty uneducated girls from poor backgrounds that were picked to sleep with fat old Jewish film moguls in exchange for film work. That's how the Hollywood studio system worked.
I've never heard anyone put it quite that way before....but basically, Yes. Jean Harlow, Lana Turner, Veronica Lake, Marilyn Monroe et al...these weren't brainy balls of fire when they hit Hollywood...they were just your average young working class woman with a scrappy background, wanting to make good.

If you were irreplaceably beautiful (like, say, Ava Gardner or Elizabeth Taylor) you could do whatever you wanted. The rest pretty much had to play ball if they didn't want to get dropped.

There's never been a shortage of beautiful women out there who could be trained to act.

