MovieChat Forums > Ione Skye Discussion > What's with her weird tatoos?

What's with her weird tatoos?

She's got some jacked up crap on her left elbow. Weird.


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got a link to a picture of it? i haven't seen any.


I don't have a link, but in the scene in Fever Pitch when she and the other two girls are at a bar talking about Drew Barrymore's new boyfriend (Jimmy Fallon) she is wearing a short sleeve blouse and you can clearly see some weird crosses or something on her left elbow. I didn't think it was just for the movie. I'll have to check my Arrested Development Season 2 DVD to see if Mrs. Veal (her character) ever shows her exposed elbows. Cheers.


I dunno. Maybe her dad's name? "Donovan"?


She originally tattooed Adam in emerald green on her arm above her elbow. Then when she split from her husband she changed it to mAdame. A lesson to learn, never tattoo your lovers name on your body.
