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I agree. I don't know the chick, but if she was really as awful as people make her out to be I think it would be obvious. She comes off as being a warm and personable person, especially on her DVD commentary for the 2nd season of Moonlighting. It seems like if you are an assertive woman in Hollywood you will inevitably get bashed and labeled difficult. She is a great actress who always is involved in quality stuff, and I respect her for that, and for not becoming one of these plastic face people who hate growing old. I don't like her politics or the fact that she is pro-abortion, but I still like her as an actress.


probably not 'pro abortion' more pro choice


Are you saying you're against abortion? With that opinion you're obviously not a woman, and know exactly nothing about what it's like to not be in control of your own body.

Let women decide, and only when it's relevant to themselves. Fetuses are part of their bodies, they decide - always. Women hold the power of life, there aren't any gods to decide for us. Us men have no mandate in this issue.

Mandatory emoticon dispensed.DON'T PANIC


erm...okay, whatever you say. As for me, I was hoping to post about Cybill but I seem to have come to the wrong place. Perhaps I should try an anti-abortion forum? Since we are on the subject however, according to your reasoning only men can be against abortion, men have no idea what it's like to not be in control of their own bodies(?),women hold the power of life(double ?), and men have nothing whatsoever to do with the issue. Since you then go on to imply that you are a man, does that not mean you also have no idea what you are talking about, have nothing to do with the issue, and are not entitled to have an opinion?


Women may carry children for nine months - but they wouldn't have got very far without a man in the first place! There are always two parents to consider, just because a man cannot carry a child, does not mean he should have no say in whether HIS child lives or dies.
