MovieChat Forums > Diana Rigg Discussion > Who else had a crush on her?

Who else had a crush on her?

I was just checking out some names on Games of Thrones and saw her name.
Took me back to my teen years, wauw, i had a big crush on her when she was on The Avengers.

She was sexy. intelligent and not the damsel in distress girl.

It may be 50 years ago, she made an impression.


I'm really falling for her wit in the GOT series. And she looks to be as smart in person. She is making an impression on me now. i might check out her earlier works.


Oh, I definitely had a crush on her during and after The Avengers. They handled her leaving well, but I hated that she left.

Obamunism: The end of the Republic.
At times like these, I really hate being right!


I will have a crush on her until the day I die.


If you were a breathing adult male during the 60's and didn't have a crush on her, you are playing for the other team.


She was my first crush as well. I used to watch The Avengers on reruns on my little B&W TV and fell in love.


COunt me in as a member of this crowd. She had it all. Not just a great looking girl, but the way she moved, her manner, her sense of humor, her self confidence. For me I wouldn't think to go on about style and fashion, but it was in her case just another example of how she pulled everything off.

She was also not overtly sexual in a conventional way, but yet somehow more sexually appealing than any ohter woman I can think of from her time because she was so much her own person. In short see seemed like the best of both worlds, a woman you would want your daughter to admire and see as a model at the same time that she seems like the ideal woman as a lover. I could go on and on about Diana Rigg. She is and always has been great.


When i first saw Diana Rigg on her show,
i was in the 7th grade. I fell in love with her.
I've been captured by her ever since. I wish i
could actually meet her. I'm glad i can dream.


I think every straight man in existence has a crush on Diana Rigg
