Julianne Moore or Her

Between these two redheads, who do you think better as an actress?

"A caring mom makes a hot wife"


I don't really class Miranda as a redhead...
anyway, I think they're both amazing actresss but Miranda is my favourite.
It's a very close call between them though. Love them both.
Miranda's wayyyyyy hotter though ;)

"Once the vodka gets flowing you never know what's going to happen, really"


R.I.P.: Reese, Angel, Darren, Chad, Kyle, Jake, Mitch, Keith, Ryan, David, Trent, Scott

Miranda miranda miranda! Moore has the ability to get under my skin a way few actressess can-and i don't mean in a good way.


Definately Miranda!! I agree with vdemon... Miranda is WAAAAAY prettier.


Just stating a fact, my friend ;)
Actually, I was talking to someone today and we were talking about beauty. She said that she thought Kate Moss, Sophie Ellis Bexter and Minnie Driver are beautiful. While I agree that they are attractive women (not to me personally), when I think of beauty, I think of Miranda.

"Once the vodka gets flowing you never know what's going to happen, really"
