Her privacy

Has anyone saw Dance with a stranger?
I think Ms Richardson was pretty good in that one...
She can do so many characters...some sort of Cameleon..i believe her star is still rising.
I once saw her in a cafe in London...she was so hard to reconize..,A man asked her if he could take a picture from her, she just said: No,sorry, i don't do that...I noticed that she was very shy..
It was funny to see the look on the man's face...a little dissapointed, but he accepted her privacy..
I'm convinced that you must respect someone...i could take a picture of her..i had my camera with me..i simply did'nt take it because i'm certainly made her angry by taking the picture witout her permission.
Should you, even if you're a great fan of someone,just take the picture and refuses her/his privacy?



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Yes you should, I totally agree with you. I mean, how would you feel if someone came with a camera, stuck it in your face and took a picture? I know I would flip...


Ya, taking a picture of her would be like what her character did in HP GoF. Lol, Miranda was so awesome in that movie. That's cool that you saw her in a cafe. If I saw her, I would go up to her, say "I'm a big fan Ms.Richardson" and walk away.^^


I agree:D I don't think I'd be able to say anything:P I would just stand there saying: "H-h-h-h-h-h-hello"


I suppose I would have stared at her while ztying not to suffocate or to die from a heart attack. and then I would sit there and look at her until she gets up and leaves ... probably because she was so annoyed with the staring ...


That was respectful of you.


Haha:P Yeah very. But what in the world are you supposed to do when you see the worlds most talented actress?

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