MovieChat Forums > Ronald Reagan Discussion > The beginning of the end.

The beginning of the end.

Horrible fiscal policies and concepts that started the balling rolling on our country's decline. Only those living in a Fox News bubble elevate this man to God-like status. Everyone else knows what a destructive force he and his ideas were to this country.


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Yes, Carter certainly had his problems, but he was also a one term president.

After him, we had 8 full years of the magical Reagan economic machine followed by a 4 year extension of the magical Reagan economic machine courtesy of George Bush.

Yet, when Bush was running for re-election in 1991 the economy was again in terrible shape - and Bush tried to blame it all on Carter. It always amazed me how he tried to convince us that 12 years of Reaganomics proved no match for poor old Jimmy Carter. I never realized what a devious master villain Carter was!!

But then, what choice did Bush have? He certainly couldn't admit the magical Reagan economic machine was a complete failure.


Reagan was great.I beg to differ.


I always felt Reagan was best described by a Paul Simon lyric:

".....a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest...."


I was no fan of Carter. But at least he didn't commit treason and was honest.

Why do they call 'em soap operas anyway? Those things are FILTHY!----Fred Sanford
